Emperor Nakamikado (中御門天皇)

Emperor Nakamikado (January 14, 1702 - May 10, 1737), his reign was From July 27, 1709 to April 13, 1735, he was the hundred fourteenth Emperor during Edo period. His name from childhood was Masunomiya, his posthumous name was Yasuhito. Hie posthumous name, 'Nakamikado' came from the different name of Taikenmon at Kyoto Gosho (The Old Imperial Palace).


He was the fifth Prince of Emperor Higashiyama.
His mother was Nai Daijin (Minister), Takayoshi KUSHIGE's daughter, Naishi no Suke, Yoshiko. (Shin Sukenmon in)

Brief Personal History

He became Crown Prince in 1708 and then succeeded to the throne after Emperor Higashiyama passed the throne to him in 1709. Since he became Emperor when he was nine years old, initially his father, Retired Emperor Higashiyama ruled the cloister government followed by his grandfather, Emperor Reigen.

The period during his reign was between the government of the sixth seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") Ienobu TOKUGAWA's forces and the eighth, Yoshimune TOKUGAWA's forces. The relationship between the government and the Imperial Palace was rather favorable during this time, the Kan in no Miya Family was established, and there was an arranged marriage between Reigen-in's Princess, Imperial Princess Yoshiko and the seventh Shogun, Ietsugu TOKUGAWA, however, it was cancelled after Ietsugu suddenly passed away.

In 1729, the Emperor granted an audience of the elephant together with Retired Emperor Reigen, when Shogun Yoshimune ordered a Vietnamese elephant from Kannan. On this occasion, the problem was caused due to the elephant not having any official position and not being able to enter the Imperial Palace, the elephant was given ' 広南従四位白象 (Kankan Ju Shii White elephant)' in haste and was then allowed into the Palace.
The Elephant kneeled his front legs and put his head down, the Emperor saw the elephant for the first time and said,

It is a joy to see an elephant in the Imperial Palace like this, which is considered as a beast.'

He wrote a poem like the above, to express his feelings.

He studied about old customs of the Imperial Palace and edited "Kujiburui." He was a talented poet, calligrapher, and was good at playing the recorder, there was an anecdote that the music he played with the recorder was good enough for foxes to come and listen.

In 1735 he passed the throne to Emperor Sakuramachi (his reign was twenty seven years) and he died in 1737.

According to his close aides, Kanetane HIROHATA's diary, it is said the Emperor had a close relationship to the snake among the twelve animal signs of the (Chinese and Japanese) zodiac, not only was he born in the year of the snake, but he also died in the year of snake, the month, the date and the time of the snake.

Eras during his reign

Hoei (March 13, 1704) - April 25, 1711

Shotoku April 25, 1711 - June 22, 1716

Kyoho June 22, 1716 - April 28, 1736

The Imperial Mausoleum

The Emperor was entombed in Tsuki no Wa no Misasagi at Senzan-cho, Imagumano, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City.

[Original Japanese]